This set of US screws allows the attachment of MOTENERGY motors, except ME1507 and ME1616.
Kit Elec Shop offers you a US screw kit containing :
- 4 screws TH 8.8 3/8 inches UNC, 16 threads per inch, L = 7/8 inch or 22.225 mm
- 4 steel washers 3/8 inch (10.3x20)
- 4 3/8 inch zing grower washers
- 1 screw TH 7/16 inch 20 threads/inch UNF-2B (for shaft end)
- 1 steel washer 7/16 inches or M10-M12 series L (for the shaft end)
- 1 locking washer 7/16 inch (for the shaft end)
This kit allows the fixing of MOTENERGY engines.
It is not suitable for ME1507 and ME1616 motors.
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